Brand Identity & Packaging
Recharging a healthy snack brand with a bigger serving of personality.
Spearheaded by two brothers, Marshall and Elliot, The GFB had achieved success in the 2010s with an ahead-of-its-time gluten free bar (hence "GFB"). Fast-forward to the 2020s, and the healthy snack market is far more crowded and competitive. The GFB needed to leap ahead of the pack with a larger-than-shelf personality, and lucky for us we had two great personalities right under our noses—the brothers themselves! The results were huge—an expanded line of GFB products were added in new regions at Whole Foods, Publix and Meijer, Walmart started carrying them again after having discontinued the brand, and sales rose by 66% almost immediately.
The GFB, Grand Rapids, MI
project type
Brand Identity & Packaging
Derek Heath - Creative Direction, Lead Design, Strategy
Brenna McPeek - Copywriting
Kevin Hecht - Photography
From "Bar" to "Brothers" for a broader, more personal future
Make It Bigger
As you might imagine, taste appeal is the main driver of snack purchases. My team and I pulled no punches in bumping up The GFB's taste appeal, creating a new design centered on big, delicious photography that could stand out from across the aisle.

We extended our big-ification to other elements of the package too--striking a bold new tone in typography, color AND personality.
Take It Personally
A reinvigorated tone is especially present in a new approach to copywriting, making banter between Elliott and Marshall a key part of the branding.

Also included are plenty of handwritten call-outs and phrases to inject both humor and trustworthiness on pack.
This revised tone is especially powerful in marketing and promotional materials, where the brand breaks the fourth wall and talks directly and earnestly to the customer.
Not-So-Bite-Sized Sales
The GFB’s new founder-focused brand has captured the hearts and taste buds of health and world conscious snackers across the country.

Walmart took them back and now offers even more of their products at more stores than before. They’ve expanded to 3 new regions of Whole Foods, achieved nearly 100% distribution at Publix, added 2 new bites to their lineup at Meijer, and are now available at convenience stores across the country such as Bloomberg Office and GetGo Cafe & Markets. Unit sales in October were up 66% compared to the previous year.
Distribution at Publix
Unit Sales Increase After Rebrand
New Regions Added at Whole Foods
At Walmart after being previously discontinued